3D Model Repository

To download .xml files, click on each '' icon.
To download .off files, click on each '' icon.
Note: All .xml files are for the YAMM 3D modeling software for Win32.


Cex - Empty Sector (trimmed)Cex - Empty SectorCex - Local Convexity (minimal)Cex - Local Convexity (tweaked)Cex - Prismatoid band (doubled)Cex - Prismatoid band

Cex - Wide pyramid (truncated)Cex - Wide pyramidCex - Witch's hat assemblyConvex cap exampleCoolinoid UnfoldabilityCow

CurlDodecahedronDomeDuckEggFukuda's tetrahedron

IcosahedronMesaOctahedronPeanutPlatonic SolidsRandomly cool model

ScorpionSphere - Hi-Res SimplicialSphere - OctreesSphere - ParametricSphere - SimplicialSphere - Trivalent

StarTeapotTetrahedronTorusTruncated Cube - with conflictTruncated Tetrahedron - with conflict

Twisted Torusbanded icosahedron [subdivide 0]banded icosahedron [subdivide 1]banded icosahedron [subdivide 2]banded icosahedron [subdivide 3]banded tetrahedron
bowling pin